Flawless Staking Policy
CBDC Wrapper
Amount to Wrap Tax: 1%
CBDC BalanceNaN wCBDC BalanceNaN
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
wCBDC Yield
Amount to stake price per share:NaN
wCBDC BalanceNaN xwCBDC BalanceNaN Underlying wCBDC:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Liquidity Mining
Amount to stake
UniV2 BalanceNaN Staked BalanceNaN
ClaimableNaN 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
- Wrap your CBDC to get WCBDC which represents a share of the market cap you own.
- Stake wCBDC to get xWCBDC which earns yield.
- If you're feeling extra sassy, you can instead deposit you Uniswap V2 wCBDC / WETH tokens to earn yield
as well.
- 1% of supply was put into the WCBDC contract for this period. 2% of supply was put into the LP staking
Farm and enjoy.